Weekly Recap!Long night for DeFi

TI Research

WeekFi is a DeFi weekly report launched by the TokenInsight team. It is published every Monday or Tuesday in the form of a PDF report, trying to show readers a complete picture of the DeFi market or NFT market in the past week.

This week, inch Exchange adds Arbitrum to its growing list of L2 solutions integrations and brings much needed DEX aggregation to the most recent scaling standout. 1inch will combine liquidity from Arbitrum-based exchanges including Balancer, Uniswap, Sushiswap, and others to increase efficiency and reduce slippage in decentralized swaps.

Uniswap posted the latest upgrade of V3 product in layer2. Both contracts deployed on Arbitrum and optimism have upgraded from Alpha to Beta. Harvest Finance integrated with Coin98 wallet to ease access to yield farming for 400,000 users, mostly concentrated in the Indo-Pacific region. 

With the proliferation of competing scaling solutions and huge demand for greater transaction speeds, the attack surface for malicious actors is as large as it has ever been, with only a limited amount of developer resources available to build and provide quality assurance for DeFi applications going out the door. Polygon has initiated a bug bounty program, with maximum rewards of up to $2 m for critical security issues uncovered.

Derivatives like Pendle also have some progress this week. Pendle has partnered with Oplmpus pro. They have collaboratively launched a “bonding” Lp token products for users to obtain PENDLE at a discounted rate.

As for the Solana ecosystem, two main fundings happened this week, Grape Protocol (DAO infrastructure) and Orca (DEX), which may indicate a continuous bullish of Solana eco. 

Want to know more about what happened this week? Check out the latest DeFi Weekly by TokenInsight. 


TI Research

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