Lybra Finance (LBR) Live Price and charts Today

1 Lybra Finance (LBR) Price Today in USD is $0.061311

Lybra Finance (LBR) = $0.061311 USD

Lybra Finance (LBR) all-time high (ATH) is $13.47 USD

The maximum supply of Lybra Finance (LBR) is 100,000,000.00

Lybra Finance (LBR) 24h volume is $1.58 Million(s) USD

Lybra Finance (LBR) Market Cap is $431.34 Kilo USD

贴心提醒,Lybra Finance 的通证 $LBR 已经迁移到了新的代币合约地址。详细信息请阅读:

Lybra Finance
Lybra Finance (LBR) 价格图
  • 1H +0.90%
  • 24H -11.18%
  • 1Y -96.07%
  • 排名 #1450
  • 市值 -9.01% $431,337
  • 24H现货交易量 -50.34% $1,581,101.90
  • 换手率 -58.76%+367.00%
  • 流通量 7,035,210.00
  • 总供应量 100,000,000
  • 最大供应量 100,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $6,131,111
  • API ID lybra-finance copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 Apr, 2023
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img 0xf11...11e05
    copy duigou
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
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关于 LBR 项目里程碑
基于 LSD,Lybra Protocol 是一个去中心化稳定币和借贷协议,旨在利用 Lido Finance 发行的 ETH Proof-of-Stake 和 stETH 作为其主要组成部分。Lybra 通过允许用户借贷其存入的 ETH 和 stETH,促使 EUSD 的铸造。

Built on LSD, Lybra Protocol is a decentralized stablecoin and lending protocol designed to leverages Lido Finance-issued ETH proof-of-stake and stETH as its primary components. Lybra facilitates the minting of EUSD by allowing users to borrow against their deposited ETH and stETH.

The Lybra Protocol is a groundbreaking decentralized protocol designed to bring stability to the volatile world of cryptocurrency. Built on LSD (Liquid Staking Derivatives), the protocol initially leverages Lido Finance-issued ETH proof-of-stake and stETH as its primary components, with plans to support additional LSD assets in the future.

The protocol's primary objective is to provide the cryptocurrency industry with a safer, more decentralized stablecoin, EUSD, which offers stable interest to its token holders.

As a DeFi protocol, Lybra facilitates the minting of EUSD by allowing users to borrow against their deposited ETH and stETH.

EUSD, being an ETH-assets-over-collateralized stablecoin, offers users the security and stability necessary for conducting their business with confidence.

A distinctive feature of the Lybra Protocol is that users can earn regular stable income by holding minted (borrowed) EUSD, which is powered by the LSD (Liquid Staking Derivatives) income generated from the deposited ETH and stETH. In other words, when users deposit ETH or stETH and mint EUSD against them, they receive a stable income in stETH of approximately 5%, which is converted to EUSD through the protocol and distributed to them.

EUSD is an interest-bearing, over-collateralized stablecoin that ensures safety and stability. The Lybra Foundation and LybraDAO community firmly believe that a decentralized stablecoin is essential for both enterprises and individuals to fully harness the benefits of cryptocurrency. By offering an interest-bearing stablecoin supported by ETH and stETH, the Lybra Protocol empowers users to participate in the DeFi ecosystem with confidence and security.

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