Measurable Data Token ($MDT) is an Ethereum-based decentralized data exchange ecosystem connecting users, data providers, and data buyers and denominates the value of data. Measurable Data Token (MDT) is the most important element in this new data exchange ecosystem. Smart contracts, which are applications stored in the Ethereum blockchain, are constructed by data providers, data buyers and the MDT platform. Using cryptographically secure token contracts helps enforce performance of the contracts.
- 排名 #536
- 市值 1.74% $26,829,030
- 24H现货交易量 17.37% $1,149,881.36
- 换手率 +4.00%
- 流通量 606,319,736.12
- 总供应量 1,000,000,000
- 最大供应量 1,000,000,000.00
- 最大稀释市值 $44,248,980
- API ID measurable-data-token
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0x814...f7d26
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
关于 MDT
Measurable Data Token ($MDT) 是一个基于以太坊的去中心化数据交换生态系统,连接用户、数据提供者和数据购买者,并主导数据的价值。
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