Neblio (NEBL) Live Price and charts Today

1 Neblio (NEBL) Price Today in USD is $0.002821

Neblio (NEBL) = $0.002821 USD

Neblio (NEBL) all-time high (ATH) is $49.25 USD

The maximum supply of Neblio (NEBL) is Unknown

Neblio (NEBL) 24h volume is $3894.83 USD

Neblio (NEBL) Market Cap is $59068.81 USD

  • 排名 #1675
  • 市值 0.14% $59,069
  • 24H现货交易量 0.78% $3,894.83
  • 换手率 +7.00%
  • 流通量 20,939,458.02
  • 总供应量 -
  • 最大供应量 -
  • 最大稀释市值 -
  • API ID neblio copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 -
  • 合约地址与浏览器
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
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关于 NEBL 项目里程碑
$NEBL 是 Neblio 的代币,Neblio 是一个为企业和工业 4.0 应用和服务建立的分布式区块链平台。

$NEBL is the token of Neblio, a distributed blockchain platform built for Enterprise & Industry 4.0 applications and services.

The Neblio Blockchain Platform is a development platform built to simplify and accelerate the development and deployment of distributed applications on the Neblio Blockchain, and potentially other blockchain networks in the future. Difficulty and inadequate developer skillsets are seen as the major obstacles inhibiting the adoption of blockchain technology for developing distributed applications in the enterprise and business worlds. To overcome these obstacles, the Neblio Platform is built from the start for enterprise distributed application development. A suite of RESTful APIs, in almost all of today’s popular programming languages, will allow developers to intuitively interact with the Neblio blockchain network without having to know the complex details of blockchain technology. Developers that are familiar with using RESTful APIs to interact with today’s traditional databases will feel right at home developing apps that instead use the Neblio Blockchain to access and store information.

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