Nodle (NODL) Live Price and charts Today

1 Nodle (NODL) Price Today in USD is $0.003953

Nodle (NODL) = $0.003953 USD

Nodle (NODL) all-time high (ATH) is $0.012451 USD

The maximum supply of Nodle (NODL) is 21,000,000,000.00

Nodle (NODL) 24h volume is $34070.30 USD

Nodle (NODL) Market Cap is 0 USD

Nodle (NODL) 价格图
  • 1H -0.31%
  • 24H -9.76%
  • 1Y -5.69%
  • 排名 #N/A
  • 市值 0.00% -
  • 24H现货交易量 -10.16% $34,070.30
  • 换手率 -
  • 流通量 -
  • 总供应量 -
  • 最大供应量 21,000,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $83,013,061
  • API ID nodle copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 -
  • 合约地址与浏览器
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
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关于 NODL 项目里程碑
Nodle ($NODL) 是一个去中心化物联网网络,通过使用智能手机边缘节点将物理世界连接到 Web3。 边缘节点使用蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 读取物理世界中的设备和传感器,并将该信息连接到区块链。 创建基于地理位置的第一层,可供许多为我们生活的超连接、面向移动的世界构建的独特应用程序使用,包括实时资产跟踪。 Nodle 创建了一种安全、私密且可扩展的经济模型。

Nodle is a pioneering project that integrates the physical and digital worlds by connecting devices and sensors to the internet through a unique infrastructure: smartphones. This venture harnesses the widespread availability and capabilities of smartphones, transforming them into a comprehensive network for data gathering and authentication.

Overview of the Nodle Network: The Nodle Network is an intricate system comprising numerous smartphones. These phones function as nodes, capable of capturing media content and real-world data, subsequently authenticating it. This network represents a novel computing platform that derives significant value from real-world connections, encompassing content, physical objects, and human interactions.

Market Potential and Growth: Economic research projects a substantial increase in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) domain, predicting a rise to 30 billion connected devices by 2025, up from 13.9 billion in 2021. A critical challenge in this growth trajectory is establishing effective connections between these devices.

Nodle SDK and Edge Nodes: To address this, the Nodle Software Development Kit (SDK) transforms smartphones into edge nodes within the Nodle Network. These nodes are incentivized to perform various tasks, including communication with smart devices. The distribution of the Nodle SDK occurs through the native Nodle App and partner mobile app publishers who are integral to the Nodle Network's expansion.

Solutions for IoT Companies: Managed Services Nodle provides tailored services for IoT companies. The Nodle Service Providers develop layers on top of the blockchain to facilitate interaction between Web2 services and the Nodle Network. These services include asset tracking, enabling businesses to track their devices, access device data via standard APIs, and remit payments in USD.

Engagement with Web3 Developers: Smart Missions For Web3 developers, Nodle introduces "smart missions." These are autonomous, self-executing code segments run by the network's edge nodes. While these missions are registered on the blockchain, they are executed at the edge by devices and then report back to the blockchain. Web3 developers have the opportunity to craft smart missions that can be integrated into managed services for reuse by customers.

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