Sudoswap (SUDO) Live Price and charts Today

1 Sudoswap (SUDO) Price Today in USD is $0.077187

Sudoswap (SUDO) = $0.077187 USD

Sudoswap (SUDO) all-time high (ATH) is $4.1674 USD

The maximum supply of Sudoswap (SUDO) is 60,000,000.00

Sudoswap (SUDO) 24h volume is $12741.56 USD

Sudoswap (SUDO) Market Cap is 0 USD

贴心提示,Sudoswap 于2022年9月1日发布 $SUDO 通证分配计划$XMON 代币持有人将获得占比为 41.9% 空投份额。 详情信息请访问:

Sudoswap (SUDO) 价格图
  • 1H +0.37%
  • 24H -0.20%
  • 1Y -52.62%
  • 排名 #N/A
  • 市值 0.00% -
  • 24H现货交易量 11.78% $12,741.56
  • 换手率 -
  • 流通量 -
  • 总供应量 -
  • 最大供应量 60,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $4,631,247
  • API ID sudoswap copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 Jan, 2023
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img 0x344...aB7F9
    copy duigou
  • 网站链接 官网
  • 相关链接
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关于 SUDO 项目里程碑
Sudoswap($SUDO)是一个针对 NFT 的去中心化集中流动性 AMM 模式交易所 DEX。它于 2022 年 7 月由匿名开发者 0xmons、zefram.eth 和 0xhamachi 推出。

Sudoswap ($SUDO) is a concentrated liquidity AMM protocol designed specifically for NFTs. It is launched on July 2022 by anonymous developer 0xmons, zefram.eth, and 0xhamachi.

Traders can enjoy low-slippage swaps between NFTs and tokens, and liquidity providers can better control the price ranges they LP for as well as set up dynamic buy/sell walls.

Unlike most other NFT marketplaces today, sudoAMM uses on-aWhat is Sudoswap?

Sudoswap ($SUDO) is a concentrated liquidity AMM protocol designed specifically for NFTs. It is launched on July 2022 by anonymous developer 0xmons, zefram.eth, and 0xhamachi.

Traders can enjoy low-slippage swaps between NFTs and tokens, and liquidity providers can better control the price ranges they LP for as well as set up dynamic buy/sell walls.

Unlike most other NFT marketplaces today, sudoAMM uses on-chain liquidity pools rather than off-chain order books. sudoAMM liquidity pools are different from those of e.g. Uniswap, and we will explain the differences in a later post. While this does add some gas overhead, we have been mindful in keeping these costs to a minimum. Deploying a new pool is around 180k gas, and your pre-existing pools can be reused when you want to buy/sell additional items.

In return, anyone can run their own front-end and indexer, allowing for a decentralization-focused approach. This also allows other on-chain entities like DAOs to more easily participate in NFT markets, opening up interactions like transparently setting up NFT buy walls on-chain.

The protocol will be open for anyone to create and trade with pools for any NFT at launch.

Traders will be able to:

  • Swap NFTs for ETH
  • Swap ETH for NFTs

Liquidity providers will be able to:

  • Deposit ETH and receive NFTs as traders swap with your pool
  • Deposit NFTs and receive ETH as traders swap with your pool
  • Deposit both ETH and NFTs and receive trading fees as traders swap with your pool

As a trader, the experience is similar to other exchanges. You select which NFTs to sell or purchase, and the router gives you an instant quote.

As a liquidity provider, the experience is most similar to Uniswap v3. You select a price range to provide liquidity for, and then deposit your assets.

Technically, the sudoAMM contracts support the creation of any arbitrary ERC721/ERC20 pool. However, we will be supporting only ETH to start at launch to improve routing and liquidity across pools.

The sudoAMM protocol will be governed by the $SUDO governance token.

The token will be non-transferable, with a transferability vote also being deferred to on-chain governance after launch.

For full $SUDO distribution details, we'll be releasing another post soon that explains the procedure for $XMON holders.

The initial supply distribution of SUDO is as follows:

Initial supply: 60M SUDO

$XMON holders: 25.12M, 41.9%

0xmons NFT holders: 0.9M, 1.5%

Retroactive LP airdrop: 0.9M, 1.5%

Treasury: 15.08M, 25.1%

Initial team members: 9M, 15%, vested over 3 years with a 1 year cliff

SudoRandom Labs: 9M, 15%, vested over 3 years with a 1 year cliffchain liquidity pools rather than off-chain order books. sudoAMM liquidity pools are different from those of e.g. Uniswap, and we will explain the differences in a later post. While this does add some gas overhead, we have been mindful in keeping these costs to a minimum. Deploying a new pool is around 180k gas, and your pre-existing pools can be reused when you want to buy/sell additional items.

In return, anyone can run their own front-end and indexer, allowing for a decentralization-focused approach. This also allows other on-chain entities like DAOs to more easily participate in NFT markets, opening up interactions like transparently setting up NFT buy walls on-chain.

The protocol will be open for anyone to create and trade with pools for any NFT at launch.

Traders will be able to:

  • Swap NFTs for ETH
  • Swap ETH for NFTs

Liquidity providers will be able to:

  • Deposit ETH and receive NFTs as traders swap with your pool
  • Deposit NFTs and receive ETH as traders swap with your pool
  • Deposit both ETH and NFTs and receive trading fees as traders swap with your pool

As a trader, the experience is similar to other exchanges. You select which NFTs to sell or purchase, and the router gives you an instant quote.

As a liquidity provider, the experience is most similar to Uniswap v3. You select a price range to provide liquidity for, and then deposit your assets.

Technically, the sudoAMM contracts support the creation of any arbitrary ERC721/ERC20 pool. However, we will be supporting only ETH to start at launch to improve routing and liquidity across pools.

The sudoAMM protocol will be governed by the $SUDO governance token.

The token will be non-transferable, with a transferability vote also being deferred to on-chain governance after launch.

For full $SUDO distribution details, we'll be releasing another post soon that explains the procedure for $XMON holders.

The initial supply distribution of SUDO is as follows:

Initial supply: 60M SUDO

$XMON holders: 25.12M, 41.9%

0xmons NFT holders: 0.9M, 1.5%

Retroactive LP airdrop: 0.9M, 1.5%

Treasury: 15.08M, 25.1%

Initial team members: 9M, 15%, vested over 3 years with a 1 year cliff

SudoRandom Labs: 9M, 15%, vested over 3 years with a 1 year cliff

OpenSea Pro 集成 sudoswap V2 OpenSea Pro 集成 sudoswap V2
NFT AMM 协议 sudoswap 推出 V2 版本,支持链上版税等新功能 NFT AMM 协议 sudoswap 推出 V2 版本,支持链上版税等新功能
$XMON 代币随着 $SUDO Lock-Drop 锁定期的结束而暴跌 $XMON 代币随着 $SUDO Lock-Drop 锁定期的结束而暴跌
$SUDO 转让功能将已经开启,可在 Uniswap 交易 $SUDO 转让功能将已经开启,可在 Uniswap 交易
启用 $SUDO 转让功能的新提案在第一次未能通过法定人数后将再次进行表决 启用 $SUDO 转让功能的新提案在第一次未能通过法定人数后将再次进行表决
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