TenX is a blockchain-based service that focuses on providing user access to a large range of blockchain assets with convenience and security. TenX offers a debit card and accompanying mobile wallet that can be funded with any blockchain asset. The TenX card can be used in almost 200 countries at over 36 million points of acceptance. The TenX token, PAY, allows users to "own" part of the TenX system, as for every transaction made with the wallet, the token holder receives rewards in Ether.
- 排名 #1272
- 市值 7.23% $888,920
- 24H现货交易量 -76.81% $1,099.86
- 换手率 -100.00%-
- 流通量 118,141,601.18
- 总供应量 205,218,256
- 最大供应量 -
- 最大稀释市值 -
- API ID tenx
- 项目开始时间 -
- 合约地址与浏览器 0xb97...5b280
- 网站链接 官网
- 相关链接
关于 PAY
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