Waltonchain (WTC) Live Price and charts Today

1 Waltonchain (WTC) Price Today in USD is $0.004798

Waltonchain (WTC) = $0.004798 USD

Waltonchain (WTC) all-time high (ATH) is $41.15 USD

The maximum supply of Waltonchain (WTC) is 500,000,000.00

Waltonchain (WTC) 24h volume is $9994.81 USD

Waltonchain (WTC) Market Cap is $140.00 Kilo USD

Waltonchain (WTC) 价格图
  • 1H -
  • 24H -11.13%
  • 1Y -96.95%
  • 排名 #1596
  • 市值 0.00% $140,005
  • 24H现货交易量 0.00% $9,994.81
  • 换手率 +7.00%
  • 流通量 29,182,764.81
  • 总供应量 70,000,000
  • 最大供应量 500,000,000.00
  • 最大稀释市值 $2,398,754
  • API ID waltonchain copy duigou
  • 项目开始时间 -
  • 合约地址与浏览器 coin-img 0xb7c...88f74
    copy duigou
  • 网站链接 官网
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关于 WTC 项目里程碑

Waltonchain ($WTC) is an open-source underlying public business ecochain on Ethereum, which focuses on blockchain + the IoT. It integrates blockchain and RFID technology to promote industry transformation and upgrading by serving the real economy with blockchain technology.

Waltonchain combines the decentralization and immutability of blockchain with RFID chips developed in-house to provide traceability and certification solutions for various industries as well as encryption services and distributed database building for industrial data.

Waltonchain aims to create a fair, transparent, traceable and credible new-generation business ecosystem. Based on the blockchain technology, Waltonchain constructs a VIoT (Value Internet of Things) ecosystem where blockchain merges with the IoT relying on devices, network, value and data. Its business applications include food traceability, luxury goods identification, seafood transportation tracking, logistics tracking and will be further diversified.

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