What Happened on June. 5th | Bitcoin Cursed Inscriptions

TI Research

Inscriptions have been the hottest topic in the Bitcoin community since early this year. A new term "Cursed Inscriptions" popped up in recent days. What are Cursed Inscriptions?

Many previously unrecognized inscriptions are now indexed by the Ordinals Protocol as "Cursed Inscriptions".

In contrast to normal inscriptions, which are assigned positive numbers, Cursed Inscriptions receive negative numbers. The initial cursed inscription was labeled as -1, and the current count stands at -71,508.

Cursed Inscriptions can be seen as a stepping stone, providing a pathway for previously invalid inscriptions to transform into normal inscriptions with positive numbers. Through an upgrade to the protocol, a specific type of Cursed Inscription can be "blessed" by defining a block activation height. This allows that particular type to be indexed as a regular positive inscription going forward. However, Cursed Inscriptions created before that block height will forever remain negative and cursed. Any new inscriptions of the same type will be assigned positive numbers.

While positive inscription numbers remain unchanged, negative inscription numbers can and will change.If a new edge case is found and a new type of Cursed Inscription is added, the existing Cursed Inscriptions will be reindexed and the new Cursed Inscriptions will be inserted which will shift around the negative inscription numbers.

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