How to Download Cryptocurrencies and Exchanges' Historical Data Using TokenInsight For Free?
There are numerous websites and platforms that offer the functionality to download historical data for cryptocurrencies. However, there are few websites that are both convenient and have no usage barriers. Well-known websites for downloading cryptocurrency historical data may include CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. However, both websites have limitations on data downloads, either in terms of restrictions or insufficient historical data timeframes provided.
Today, we will introduce TokenInsight's cryptocurrency historical data download feature and how to use it.
By using TokenInsight, you will be able to download
- Cryptocurrencies historical price data
- Cryptocurrencies historical market capitalization data
- Cryptocurrencies historical trading volume data
- Crypto exchanges historical data
- Trading volume
- Market shares
- Open interest
- Crypto market status historical data
- Cryptocurrencies global market cap data
- Top coins historical data
- Bitcoin and other coins market cap dominances historical data
We will go through the above step by step.
Cryptocurrencies Historical Data
Obtaining historical data for cryptocurrencies is quite simple using TokenInsight, including price, trading volume, and market capitalization. Let's take Bitcoin as an example.
Step 1: Log in to and click on the top-ranked Bitcoin, or enter 'BTC' or 'Bitcoin' in the search box.

Step 2, go to the currency details page for Bitcoin ( Here you will find a wealth of information about Bitcoin, including key data such as price, market cap, circulating supply, as well as price charts, ratings, and related news updates.
In the middle of this page, there is a row of selection options. Choose "Historical Data" (

Afterward, select the format in which you wish to export the data.
Before exporting, you can also choose the desired data granularity. Currently, TokenInsight supports data at the minute, hour, and day levels. The time range can span over ten years.
The same process applies to other cryptocurrencies as well. By following these steps, you will be able to obtain historical data for the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Crypto Exchanges Historical Data
There are two places where you can obtain historical data for cryptocurrency exchanges. The first place is similar to the currency details page. Here, you can access raw data specific to cryptocurrency exchanges. Let's take Coinbase exchange as an example.
The first step is to log in to, just as before, and then select "Exchanges" from the navigation bar at the top.

Click Coinbase. You can use the search box as well.

Click to enter the details page of Coinbase exchange:
On this page, you can find a wealth of information about the specific exchange, including trading volume, historical data, exchange rating, and other basic information about the exchange. Scroll further down to see the list of currencies traded on this exchange.

Since Coinbase exchange only supports spot trading, you can only view spot trading data. Click on the download button in the image above, and you will be able to successfully download the historical data of Coinbase exchange.
For other exchanges like Binance (, you can also download historical data for derivative trading volume and open interest.

The second place to obtain historical data for cryptocurrency exchanges is on TokenInsight's Dashboard, specifically on the page with data charts.

After entering the homepage, hover your mouse over the first option 'Cryptocurrencies', and a dropdown box will appear. Click on the last option, 'Dashboard' to access that page:
If you want to obtain exchange data, you can click on any option below the 'Exchange' section in the left sidebar.
For example, if you want to get the total trading volume of the market, click on "Total Volume".

The download icon above is used to download the chart above, while the download icon below is used to download the data of the table. The data you download will be the same as the data you see on the webpage.
In addition to the total trading volume, you can also select "Market Share" to view the market share of different exchanges or download their historical data.

In addition to the total trading volume, you can also choose to view and download data for spot trading volume or derivative trading volume.
Cryptocurrencies Global Status Historical Data
The historical data for market overview and the market share data for exchanges mentioned earlier function similarly. You just need to select the corresponding section in the left sidebar, and once the chart appears, click on the download button on the table to download the historical data you desire.

Using API to Get Historical Data
If you prefer using the API, in addition to the methods mentioned above, you can also use the API to retrieve historical data.
The corresponding API endpoints are:{id} and{id}
You need to fill in the corresponding coin name or exchange name in the {id} parameter. If you don't know the id of the specific exchange or coin you want, you can retrieve them through two lists:
- Get exchanges list
The "eid" (exchange id) in the response is what you need to fill in for the path parameter mentioned above.
- Get coins list
The "tid" (TokenInsight id) in the returned data of the coin list is what you need to fill in for the path parameter of the coin history API.
Of course, before using the API to retrieve data, you need an API Key. The good news is that obtaining a TokenInsight API Key is free. You can find the specific tutorial here:
That's it! These are simple methods to retrieve historical data for cryptocurrencies or exchanges. If you encounter any issues during the process, feel free to contact!